Looking for 21 century design that embraces Queensland values and lifestyle?
See whats possible on Sunday 23 Sept @ 5-9 Crowley St, Zillmere
Looking for 21 century design that embraces Queensland values and lifestyle?
See whats possible on Sunday 23 Sept @ 5-9 Crowley St, Zillmere
See design led urban housing leading the way in protecting the Queensland way of life through natural space and engaged community.
Be at our Open Day Sunday 23 September 10-3pm 5-9 Crowley St, Zillmere
Each year National Sustainable House Day provides an opportunity to visit houses that have been built or renovated with sustainability in mind.
We are delighted to once again support the day which features our award-winning Kingfisher Home.
At Sustainable we believe that environmentally and socially responsible housing is the key to a healthy, well connected yet diverse community.
Check it out on Sunday 16th September for an example of how a home can be sensitively and cost effectively developed on its site and integrated within the community streetscape.
We are proud to announce that Sustainable took home two industry awards at the 2017 HIA Industry Awards.
Recipe House, the Kingfisher, was winner in the Brisbane Region “Custom Built Home” category.
To find out more about the Kingfisher House build, watch the Kingfisher video.
Sustainable also won ‘2017 HIA Brisbane Region Renovation/Addition Project up to $450,000’ for the Emu Vale renovation.
Too often, when looking to buy a block of land, we’re told to steer clear of the dreaded, “scary and unapproachable” sloping block! We’re lead to believe these blocks will present nothing but complications and unnecessary expenses… This couldn’t be further from the truth!
At Sustainable, we believe that spectacular sites inspire spectacular design & lifestyle. As experts in delivering on sloping sites, each site presents the ultimate template to display our strengths of adding value to raw, dramatic topography whilst creating long term nett worth through interpretation of sensitive design.
Check out this beautiful design on a dramatically sloping block at Toowong!
Looking outside your kitchen, bedroom or living window, are you confronted by a 6ft fence? Most of us are!
6ft fences have become the “norm”, the most common form of what we like to think is security in our homes.
What is we told you these 6ft fences could be an aid in home robberies? Wouldn’t believe me?
In today’s suburbs, most of us, if not all, are confronted by a 6ft fence just meters from our back door.
We have become accustomed to being separated from our neighbours and blocking out the community around us. We’ve come to believe that these fences provide privacy, and most importantly, security in our homes.
However, at Sustainable, it is our belief that these 6ft fences are in fact doing more harm than good, which is why we strongly believe in the integrated and collaborative design concept we like to call ‘shared living.’
In recent years, Brett McKenzie and the Sustainable team developed a shared living community located in the Western Suburbs of Brisbane within a depleted storm water gully.
This concept say the construction of 12 stunning homes, constructed not side by side, but arranged in a way that enabled a perfectly balanced mix of shared community space, along with private and semi-private spaces throughout the site.
With a diverse variety of housing options, ranging from 4 bedroom family homes, through to 1 bedroom studios, as well as common green space including vegetable gardens and pathways, the development is well suited to a blend of age groups and demographics, creating a rich dynamic and culture within the integrated community.
While a lack of fences may be alarming to some, the development promotes a strong sense of unity among residents, ultimately offering a safer community environment.
While most of us have been lulled into the false sense of security of “a 6ft fence will keep them out” it is important to look at the bigger picture.
By removing the fences we so commonly see in today’s suburban streets, homes instantly become safer, eliminating the opportunity for intruders to hide in your backyard, going unseen by surrounding homes.
With a large focus on a united spirit within shared communities, neighbours become increasingly engaged in teh safety and security of not only themselves and their homes, but the entire community as a whole, having the opportunity to recognise unusual activity throughout the entire shared space.
As well as rapidly boosting the safety of the community within their homes, access to shared pathways, gardens and play spaces ensures safe outdoor activity for children, residents and visitors of the community.
The shame is that our local councils and markets struggle with this concept, as we are largely dominated by “pigeonhole planning.”
When it comes to lighting your home, the lighting shop should be your last stop in the decision making process.
Starting with passive design elements is the key!
Resource usage is the driver!
Environmentally conscious homes, like this Boonah residence, will not just lower running costs today but are likely to bring in more cash when it comes time to sell.
Project manager at construction and design firm Sustainable, Tobias Volbert, said it was increasingly important that a house was economical.
“Houses will be valued on their consumption,” Mr Volbert said. “It will be much harder to sell those (older-style homes) in the future because the running costs will be so high.” He said there was a perception that environmentally friendly had to be expensive.
“You can have a sustainable home that looks sexy, is functional and affordable,” he said.
He said planning was one of the best investments you could make when building or renovating, saving time and money. “Smarter homes and sustainable planning are the way of the future,” he said.
Having this home take out the 2009 GreenSmart award for the region was exciting because it was the first of their “Recipe Homes” to win, Mr Volbert said.
Materials used included bamboo floors, poly-carbonate sheeting and Colorbond cladding, to cut timber maintenance costs.
The Sunday Mail – 2010
Dreaming of a sustainable home? Dreaming of a budget that permits? Turn your dreams into a Sustainable Recipe Home!
Sustainable Recipe Housing® is a unique concept that makes the dream of a sustainable home a possibility for everyone! At Sustainable, our team largely pride ourselves on our unique module houses or “Recipe Homes”.
These stunning homes are constructed from pre-designed modules in order to ultimately cut construction costs, allowing those with a restricted budget to achieve a beautiful home to best suit their lifestyle.
Flexible and adaptable to your specific wants and needs, recipe homes can be tailored to perfectly compliment your site, wish list and most importantly, your dream lifestyle, whatever, and wherever, that may be.
At Sustainable, we believe the most important aspect is to ensure our homes are immersed in the natural site and always ‘touching the earth lightly.’ We believe each room should take full advantage of its surroundings, ultimately offering beautiful light and ventilation, naturally!
Sustainable Recipe Homes utilise passive heating and cooling as much as possible, and enable a focus on a more relaxed, simplistic lifestyle. Clients can be reassured that the home is energy efficient, economical and environmentally aware.
As CEO Brett McKenzie says, Sustainability is no longer about tying yourself to a tree and showering once a week. Sustainability is achievable through smarter choices, not sacrifice.
Our Sustainable Recipe Homes perfectly encapsulate luxury, sustainable living through modern, contemporary and leading edge design.
March 14, 2024
Retrofitting your home is not just a trend; it's a smart investment that can yield significant returns in various … [Read More...]
Phone: (07) 3201 1177
We had a great experience working with Sustainable and could not be any happier with the results.
Mark Woodley
PO Box 132
Booval QLD 4304
Phone: (07) 3201 1177
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