Sustainable House Designs save you money!
Sustainable’s company focus and commitment is firmly placed on environmental, social, economic and cultural sustainability. We design houses that address our current needs of security, comfort and style while at the same time incorporating principles of sustainability to help address our future needs.
Sustainable strives to successfully integrate architectural form with environmentally sustainable Greensmart solutions.
Our superb sustainable house design incorporates principles of sustainability within our designs to address both your current and future needs.
We focus on lifetime solutions and look at the 25 year life cycle of your house and savings to guarantee the certainty of your lifestyle and the certainty of a realistic fixed budget. This means dollars back in your pocket long term!
Our homes are sustainable and energy efficient because they all take into account our proven Sustainability Principles for over 30 years of:
Our Sustainable House Design Principles:
- Passive design
- Energy efficiency
- Solar orientation
- Passive ventilation
- Water and storm water management
- Integrated Landscaping Design
- Built form issues
- Views & vistas
- Challenges versus commercial outcomes and opportunities.
- Life Cycle Assessment of building, product and material choices to manage your Ongoing Resource Management & Costs after your home is constructed.
Our Sustainable Construction Principles:
- Site Management
- Recycling building/material waste
- Minimising the effects the construction of the building has on the surrounding environment
- Reducing the amount of cut and fill on a site
- Recycling removed soil into the landscaping instead of using foreign soil
- Minimising disturbance to the local eco-system
- Retaining existing features such as mature trees and water courses
- Reusing products from deconstructed buildings.
- Selection of Building Materials
- Maximising the use of environmentally friendly materials
- The selection of materials needs to be based on a variety of criteria
- Sustainable keeps up with all the latest material innovations so we can introduce them to your building; if relevant.
Related: See an article about our Sustainable House Design in The Courier Mail dated (6th August 2011)